Thursday, 26 June 2014


Are you the one who is worried about your weight???Does it happen that your favorite dress gets shrink every single day???Does everyone stops you from eating whenever you are having your favorite food by saying"you will burst one day".Do your friends tease you because of your weight???If answer to all this questions is yes then you need to change your habits for getting perfect curvy figure.All what you eat,you do is reflected by your body.

These are the 5 very easy tips for the starters to loose weight:
#TIP 1
when you get early in the morning have a glass of warm water with a lemon squeeze into it.By having this lemon water empty stomach works wonder and you will definitely see the results after 2 weeks.

#TIP 2
Whenever you go out of the house for shopping or any other activity gobble up your favorite fruit before stepping out.This will keep you away from eating junk food while shopping .

#TIP 3
If you love having coffee or tea every other hour better to substitute your quench with water.A single cup of tea have near about 40 calories and if you are going with simple coffee it have only 20 calories but if you love heavy cream whipped coffee it can go up to 52kcal. So if you love having coffee slowly reduce its intake and whenever feel like having coffee or tea better have water.

#TIP 4
Say NO to spicy food and cut down the salt intake.Salt as it is do not contain any fats and calories.But it help in temporary weight gain by retaining fluids in your body.So salt should be taken in adequate levels.

#TIP 5
Exercise,most people who suffer from obesity refrain themselves from exercise.But exercising for 30 minutes a day makes you more healthy and works wonder.So while caring for your diet go for exercise also.


  1. Great tip to a heathy weight loss.

  2. You are so right with your suggestions - I try already to live regarding them :) I drink only still much tea!

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    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. I used all of these except the lemon, I'll have to try that one too... some really great ideas ♡

  4. Really great tips!! kisses!!

  5. If only i try any of these :/

  6. i think of trying one of these, very helpful, thanks you! follow for follow on blogger? xx

  7. Great tips!

  8. Thanks for sharing these great tips! I drink lemon and water every morning before anything else and I find that it really helps to curb my appetite.

    Keisha xo

  9. Very helpful tips! Check out my blog BoB's Beautiful DIY Life!!

    Thanks! :)
